• How often is the MacTuner Station Database updated?
• Shareware Notice
• How to Purchase
• Author
• Technical Support
• Archive Location
What does MacTuner do?
MacTuner - The Global Internet Media Receiver that brings a world of live radio and television to your Mac. MacTuner is a specialized Internet browser that combines RealAudio and RealVideo with a database of over 1500 LIVE Radio, TV, and Scanners to allow you to instantly "tune in" to broadcasts from around the world. Select your stations geographically using world maps. Or find great programming using the MacTuner integrated Search Engine. When you find something you like, save it in a "Favorites" preset button!
System 7.5.1
68040 or higher processor
MacTCP or OpenTransport
RealAudio Player 5.0 or G2
Internet Config 2.x or the Internet Control Panel (available with Mac OS 8.5 or better)
Which Version is This?
MacTuner 2.1.1
Released October 25, 1999
Where can I find the Latest Version?
The latest version of MacTuner can be found at http://www.mactuner.com.
Changes for MacTuner 2.1:
• Modularized the GUI:
- Seven new individual Continent windows for quick access to specific continents
- Search Engine now exists in it's own resizable window
- Favorites now exists in it's own resizable window
• Table-Driven Favorites allow any number of Favorites to be stored
• Added Cut, Copy, Paste support
• Added Field Tabbing support
• Seach Engine now optionally ignores letter case for more powerful searching
• Convenience Preferences
- Saves all window positions
- Saves the last state/country browsed in each of the seven Continents
- Saves the last Continent browsed on the Map Browser
• Automatic detection of Station Database upgrades
• Automatic detection of MacTuner upgrades
• Stronger support for HTTP Proxy Servers using Internet Config / Internet Control Panel settings
• FAT binary for native PowerPC performance on PowerPC Macs
Changes in this Version (MacTuner 2.1.1):
• Geographical errors corrected
• Smoother window management
• Support for more HTTP servers
Using MacTuner
MacTuner has three main windows:
• Map Browser
• Search Engine
• Favorites
Moving the cursor over the maps in the Map Browser reveals a count of how many Stations we have catalogued as broadcasting Internet content in the state or country directly under the mouse pointer. Click on a state or country to generate a list of those Stations on the right-hand side of the Map Browser panel. You then double-click any of the links to begin playing that Station through your Mac! For example: to hear news in China, use the Map Browser to select the "Asia" continent. Next click on China in the map. Then, double-click on any link in the "News" category in the list of Stations to begin playing the selected station on your Mac.
The Search Engine allows you home in on particular stations or broadcast formats. For example: to find all of the Jazz stations in Louisiana, select "Louisiana" as a Location, "Jazz" as a format, and click the "Search" button. Double-click any link in the list to begin playing the selected station on your Mac. Or, if you are looking for a particular station, such as "WGST", you may enter those radio station call letters in the "Station Contains" field, then click the "Search" button.
The Favorites panel allows you to save your favorite Stations for quick access. You may also use the Favorites panel to store Stations which we may have not yet included in our Station Database. You may use the MacTuner program to submit your favorite Stations to us, which we will work to include in our next Station Database update.
How often is the MacTuner Station Database updated?
Trexar makes Station Database updates available approximately every 4 weeks, in order to make sure that MacTuner's links are current. These upgrades are FREE, and they can be performed by you in minutes within the MacTuner program.
Shareware Notice
MacTuner is Shareware. You may freely distribute MacTuner as long as it is not modified in any way.
MacTuner 2.1.1 is Shareware, $22.95 US. To encourage registration, this evaluation copy is limited to 20 days and contains Banner Advertisements. Upon registration, you will receive a License Key to unlock the full unrestricted functionality, and eliminate the Banner Advertisements.
How to Purchase
You can purchase a MacTuner License Key On-line (or by Phone, FAX, or Mail) via our website at:
Or simply run the "Purchase License Key" program in the MacTuner folder.
We accept major credit cards.
After you purchase a License Key, you will receive your License Key via E-Mail. When you receive your License Key, launch MacTuner, then enter your License Key at the Shareware Notice Dialog, then click the "Unlock" button. Your copy of MacTuner should now be fully registered and free of banner advertisements and shareware notices.